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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

AYSO Region 45 - Mountain View, Los Altos, Los Altos Hills

Activate Employer Donations For Volunteers

Dear AYS045 Volunteers,

One of the most valuable and useful programs in our area is the employer donation programs for volunteer hours.

You may be eligible to receive a charitable (or matching) donation from your employer for your AYSO45 volunteer hours. A number of companies in the area have charitable programs to make donations to organizations their employees support. This is one more way that your volunteer work can help the kids in our area.   All donations go towards our Scholarships for kids in our area.

Information Needed To Activate employer donations:
AYSO is a California nonprofit corporation, described in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Your company donation page should list the following as our non-profit information. AYSO National will redirect donation funds to AYSO Region 45.

The AYSO Federal identification number is:   95-6205398.

The AYSO National non-profit address is:    19750 S. Vermont Avenue, Suite 200,   Torrance, CA 90502-1133

Our Region in AYSO:  Region 45

A great time for you to make the request with your employer is at the end of the Fall season each November.  In general, the company HR department is familiar with these programs and can provide the specific instructions at your company.  Simply create a log of your volunteer hours (typically game and/or practice hours).  This will be the main data required from you.

Overview of Company Programs To Match Volunteer Hours
Many companies in our area have programs which match volunteer hours.   So the time you spend coaching or as referee can be doubled by your company’s program.   AYSO Region 45 is already setup for matching donations at the following companies:
Google, Cisco, Intel, Microsoft, eBay/Paypal, Genentech, and Apple.

There are other local corporations who do this too and we can help you setup the matching for your company. We would welcome any and all donations.  

Specific Instructions for Companies:
We welcome any specific instructions you can share from your employer. We’d like to put together a database of this information moving forward.

Below is how the Google program works. If you have an employer who does this and you can share specifics or have additional ideas for this type of employer fund raising effort, please email me anything you feel would be relevant and helpful.

AYSO45 Google Employee Volunteers:

  1. Search the Google intranet for the GooglersGive site.

  2. From the GooglersGive site, search for “AYSO Region 45”.

  3.  Click on ‘Give Time’.

  4. Log-hours and fill in specific info.

  5. The maximum amount is 250 hours per calendar year @ $10 per hour.  A $2500 donation for AYSO45.

For companies who require a confirmation of volunteer hours, please have them contact [email protected] at the email below.

We encourage all volunteers and families to help us grow our future Scholarship Fund with this important effort.  Again, thanks to you for all of your generous time and positive energy you provide for our community and AYSO Region 45.

Thank you for your continued support,
[email protected]

It’s for the kids!

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Contact Us

AYSO Region 45

PO Box 4252 
Mt. View, California 94040

Email Us: [email protected]
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