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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

AYSO Region 45 - Mountain View, Los Altos, Los Altos Hills

Division Placement Guidelines

2024 Division Placement Information
All divisions are divided into two groups (boys and girls). Team sizes may vary when teams are formed depending on late drops and availability of coaches. AYSO policies do not permit us to have a player “play down” and age, not grade, determine your child’s division placement. 

DivisionTypical AgeTypical GradesAge Cut-off Dates by Birth YearGame SizesMin TeamTeam Sizes
6U5pre-K and K20193v335-6
8U6-71-22018 and 20175v547-8
10U8-93-42016 and 20157v759-10
12U10-115-62014 and 20139v9612-13
14U12-137-82012 and 201111v11714-15
16U14-159-102010 and 200911v11714-18
19U16-1811-122008 thru 200611v11714-18

Our primary season is in the Fall and runs from late August to mid-November. With the exception of our Under-6 (U06) divisions, children attend training sessions once (U08) or twice (U10 and above) each week and play a game on Saturdays (Sundays for U16 and U19). U06 holds one 75-minute session on Saturday afternoons, combining a training session and a scrimmage game.

Play-Up Policy

Although AYSO National prefers that all players play in their age-appropriate division, they do allow regions the flexibility to have players “play-up” to an older division. AYSO National does not allow for players to “play-down” to a younger division.

Play-Up Requests 

Play-up requests must be made to our Regional Commissioner for approval. These requests will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Please Email this request to our Regional Commissioner at [email protected] and include justification along with the child’s height, weight, relative speed and aggressiveness compared to his or her peers.

In general, a player’s past rating and other data will be looked at in order to make a determination along with possible contact with last year’s coach. At a minimum, the player needs to already be above average in the play-up division (well above average in their age-appropriate division) to be considered unless one of the parents volunteers to be head coach and their primary purpose for the play-up is to pair siblings on the same team.

Please note that we need to have an adequate number of head coach volunteers in the play-up division to accept the request for a play-up. The Region will not turn away a player in their correct age division (that signs up by June 7th) as they have no other age-eligible options. This does not apply to players accepted to play up that also come with a Certified head coach volunteer in the play-up division.

Play-Down Policy

AYSO National defines which division a player should be assigned based on the child’s age on January 1st and this is the youngest division in which a child is eligible.  AYSO National does not permit players to play-down to a younger division.

Region 45 Programs

The National AYSO organization has a large set of programs described here and a brief description is provided below.  Region 45 provides a subset of the AYSO programs including:

  • Fall Season: (6U, 8U, 10U, 12U, 14U, 16U, and 19U)
  • Spring Season: 8U
  • Spring Select Season (AYSO Tournaments): 10U, 12U, 14U, 16U, 19U

Region 45 is one of the largest AYSO youth soccer leagues in Northern California. 

  • The Region 45 fall season program is inclusive of all participants and we maintain a high level of play and organization in the fall program. We do not provide the FALL AYSO EXTRA in the fall season because we want our fall players to all play together and be with their friends.

  • The Region 45 Spring Select program is one of the strongest and best organized AYSO tournament programs in Northern California.  We compete at a high level in AYSO tournaments and even won the 2019 U16 Boys AYSO National tournament.  

Our focus for all teams is having fun and player development with a culture that promotes positive coaching methods.

Brief Program Descriptions

U81 per weekSaturdays
U102 per weekSaturdays
U122 per weekSaturdays
U142 per weekSaturdays
U162 per weekSundays
U192 per weekSundays

** 6U  ->  Players participate in 6 player teams playing weekly games each Saturday. Teams practice in the first half of the scheduled game time followed by a 25 minute game with another team. This 6U program has all teams practicing and playing at the same field, but in different areas or the field.  It is great fun and energy to have all of these players together on the same field and the cuteness factor is very high.


Games are generally 4 players versus 4 players on an age appropriate (30yd x 20yd) field. There are no goalkeepers or throw ins. This maximizes playing time for each child and allows coaches to balance the team. Games at this age are for fun!

We don't keep score or post standings.  We emphasize “imagination” games and activities for the practice sessions.

** 8U  ->  This division is similar to 7U, but play is on slightly larger fields and 5 players versus 5 players with 7 members to a team.  Players are introduced to throw-ins for the first time.  Again, the focus is on fun and we don't keep score or post standings.  We continue to emphasize “imagination” games and activities for the practice sessions.

** 10U  -> In this division we introduce goalkeeping and competitive play. Weekly games are 50 minutes long and played 7 players versus 7 players on a 75yd x 40yd yard field with 9 players per team. This division introduces score keeping and the posting of standings.  The top teams in the division may advance to play against teams from other AYSO Regions within our Area.  The “imagination” games become more involved and age-appropriate skills are taught at the practice sessions.

** 12U
 ->  In this division games are 60 minutes long and played 9 players v 9 players on a field that is 90-100 yards long and 45-50 yards wide. Goals are now full-size. 

Players are introduced to positional play that approximates full team soccer. The 9-player teams allow greater space on the field and more involvement by each player.

** 14U  -> In this division we introduce full-size fields with 11 players versus 11 players competition. Games are 70 minutes long. We continue to ensure that all players participate at least 3/4 of the game.

** 16U -> In older teen divisions the season is shortened to about 9 weeks in order to allow players to participate on their high-school teams.  

Games are played on either Saturday and Sunday and are often scheduled at other parks in our Area, rather than in our region.

** 19U  -> We will form 19U teams and have done so every year for 15 years.  We get many players coming back from high school program and thus this group is at a  particularly high level of practice and play. Similar to 16U, 19U teams play shortened seasons and are often playing in other parks.  They may play various club teams or tournaments as well. We have very experienced coaches and referees at this level.


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Contact Us

AYSO Region 45

PO Box 4252 
Mt. View, California 94040

Email Us: [email protected]
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