The Assistant Referee Administrator assists the Regional Referee Administrator with organizing referee teams, making sure training is attended by the new referees, scheduling referees or other related tasks as needed.
Field Layout Team Captain
The Field Layout Team Captain leads a team of half a dozen volunteers to measure, layout and initial painting of grass fields at 1 or 2 locations. This requires about three to four hours, typically the last weekend in August to get the fall season started.
Field Layout Team Member
The Field Layout Team Member performs measurement, layout, and initial painting of grass fields at one or two locations. This requires approximately three hours of work, typically the last weekend in August to get the fall season started. No prior experience is necessary.
Game Data Coordinator
The statistician is responsible to ensure that the referees have entered all of the game card data after each week’s games. The game card data is important to track the relative playing time of various players on each team, the number of goals being scored by players and teams as a whole and any misconduct taking place during games.
The Trophy Coordinator is responsible for recommending to the Board awards for the players, and with Board approval, the purchase and distribution of those awards.
This person is responsible for coordinating the trophies for the league.
Time required is 4-6 hours total during the initial ordering phase, and then another 6-8 hours when the trophies are distributed on the last day of the season.
Field Striping Coordinator The Field Striping Coordinator is responsible for scheduling volunteers to line the fields on a timely basis and to work with the City on any issues that come up in using the City equipment to line the fields.
Coordinate field striping (painting the lines on the grass) of 10-12 locations. This requires 1-4 hours/week of creating a schedule, phoning potential volunteers, and coordinating the striping the fields. The striping starts the end of August and continues to Thanksgiving.
Field Striping Coordinator is a great opportunity to network with coaches and parents on other teams. It consists primarily of emailing volunteers and potentially assisting with the initial field measuring and layout one time in mid-August.