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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

AYSO Region 45 - Mountain View, Los Altos, Los Altos Hills

Board Member Roles

Board Level Positions

Regional Commissioner

The Regional Commissioner shall have the responsibility and the authority to manage the day-to-day business of the Region as described in Article III of these Guidelines within the framework of the AYSO operating regulations and these Guidelines. The Regional Commissioner’s responsibility and authority shall also include:

  • Filing on a timely basis the Regional Information Form with the National Support Center.

  • Reviewing on an annual basis these Regional Guidelines and other written Regional operating regulations.

  • Supervising the Regional Treasurer by periodically reviewing the Region’s canceled checks and bank statements, reviewing each month the National Accounting Program (NAP) financial report, periodically reviewing internal financial control procedures, and taking other reasonable measures to assure that the Region’s assets and expenses are being handled in a fiscally responsible manner.

  • Reporting to the Area Director and being responsible for the performance and growth of the Regional programs for the benefit of the players, the volunteers and their families.

  • Organizing, maintaining, supervising and coaching Regional volunteer staffs to assure adequate support and services to the Region, including the development of new volunteers for Regional position succession planning.

  • Acting as the official spokesperson for the Region in regard to publicity, internal development, cultural exchange, business systems, budgets, Regional operating regulations and other matters
    concerning AYSO programs within the Region.

  • Assisting the Regional Board in the planning and implementation of its policies and programs within the Region.

  • Overseeing dispute resolution within the Region pursuant to Article Nine of these Guidelines and AYSO operating regulations.

  • Presiding at all Regional Board meetings.

  • Keeping the Regional Board informed of actions and decisions on matters of importance.

  • Attending Area meetings, Section Meetings and caucuses, and the National Annual General Meeting.

  • Maintaining close liaison with the Area Director and the Section Director, and coordinating all extra-Regional activities through the Area Director.

  • Submitting a completed Regional Performance Program to the Area Director prior to December 1st of each calendar year.

  • Making such other decisions and taking actions as may be required to run the Region, within the limits of the Regional budget and these Guidelines.

  • Responsible with the Regional Coach Administrator for recruiting and selecting the Division Coordinators, who are responsible for managing the various player divisions.

Assistant Regional Commissioner

The Assistant Regional Commissioner, if any, shall perform such duties as may be delegated to the Assistant Regional Commissioner by the Regional Commissioner and, in his/her absence, shall perform the duties of the Regional Commissioner on behalf of the Region.

Skills needed for doing this job include ability to delegate, working well with a variety of people, good organizational talent, and ability to deal with rare conflict. the position has many rewards, including working with some great people, developing relationships with the city Parks and Rec personnel, and meeting other people interested in soccer from around the area. Time commitment is around 2-4 hours per week, with more during the pre-season and less in the off-season.

Regional Coach Administrator

The Regional Coach Administrator shall be responsible for the recruiting, training and supervising of all coaches in the Region. The Regional Coach Administrator shall require that each coach and assistant coach or other team player trainer complete a volunteer application form in accordance with the National Support Center’s applicable policies and guidelines.

The Regional Coach Administrator shall coordinate with the Regional Commissioner, the Regional Director of Coach Instruction and the Area Coach Administrator to arrange for coaching orientations, clinics and training programs at least once each season where needed and disseminate information when appropriate to assist the Region’s coaches.

The Regional Coach Administrator shall also be responsible for the implementation of the Region’s Coaching Certification and Licensing Programs as may be required or recommended under the operating regulations.

Regional Referee Administrator

The Regional Referee Administrator shall arrange for orientations, clinics and training programs for all referees and assistant referees in the Region at least annually, and shall coordinate his/her efforts with the Regional Commissioner and the Area Referee Administrator.

The Regional Referee Administrator shall be responsible for the scheduling of referees and assistant referees the Region, or delegate such task to another responsible volunteer or assistant and coordinate such efforts with the Region’s scheduler of games.

The Regional Referee Administrator is responsible for the ordering of referee uniforms and supplies, usually in July and August.


The Treasurer shall have custody of all funds, securities, evidence of indebtedness and other valuable documents, and shall deposit funds and securities in the name and to the credit of the Region in a bank or depository.   The Regional Treasurer shall keep in appropriate books an accurate account of all money received and paid out.

The Treasurer shall be responsible for complying with the National Accounting Program and all procedures specified in the AYSO Treasurer’s Manual.   The Treasurer shall promptly, upon receipt, pay to the National Support Center the National portion of the registration fees of the Region before the first practice and first game of the season, and in any event no later than March 1st of each spring season and September 1st of each fall season.

The Treasurer shall give a report of the funds, receipts and disbursements of the Region annually or at such other times as requested by the Regional Commissioner or by the Regional Board.   The Regional Treasurer shall be responsible for timely approval by the Area Director and Section Director, and filing with the National Support Center the Regional Information Form, the annual budget, and such other information as may be required or requested from time to time by the National Support Center and for complying with the National Accounting Program.

The Treasurer will assist the Regional Commissioner in creating a budget for the operation of the Region by January 1st, and will monitor the monthly expenses with respect to the current budget-giving a report at each Board meeting.

Fields Coordinator

The Fields Coordinator is responsible for obtaining and maintaining the playing fields and ensuring that the fields are properly lined.   He/she shall also assist the Regional Safety Director in maintaining the playing fields in a safe condition and advising the Board and responsible organization (city or school district) on the status and conditions of the fields.

Safety Director

The Safety Director shall be responsible for administering the AYSO Soccer Accident Insurance (SAI) plan and liability insurance program for the Region.   The Safety Director shall also be responsible for obtaining liability insurance certificates for all facilities used by the Region.   The Safety Director shall make provisions for the posting of AYSO’s SAI plan on the regional web site.   The Safety Director shall handle all reports of accidents and/or SAI claims for such programs.

The Safety Director shall also ensure the safety of all participants in the Region by ensuring that all field equipment, goalposts and fields are inspected periodically to ensure that they are in safe condition.   The Safety Director must also ensure that a reasonable number of first-aid kits are available at all playing sites, that all goalposts are properly anchored, that no goalposts have goal net hooks and that AYSO policies regarding blood borne diseases are disseminated to and observed by all participants.   The Safety Director shall also be responsible for advising Regional participants of approaching dangerous weather and other potentially unsafe conditions which may exist at the locations where games are played.

The Safety Director shall also disseminate and make available safety information to the Region’s coaches, referees, participants and families from such sources as AYSO’s ‘Play It Safe’ publication.

In case of an injury – contact the coach and the parents. Submit all pertinent information to the insurance company.  Make sure the an injured player will not come back to play without a participation release form from the doctor.   Maintain supply of claim forms. In case of an injury provide information to parents regarding the proper way to file a claim form.

Be available and knowledgeable to answer questions from coaches, referees and parents.

Director of Referee Instruction and Assessment

The Director of Referee Instruction and Assessment shall implement, monitor, and maintain the AYSO Referee Training Program at the Regional level.   The Regional components are the Regional Referee Course and the Assistant Referee Training Course.   The Regional Director of Referee Instruction obtains the course guides from AYSO National SupportCenter or area staff; sets up orientations, clinics and training; and obtains qualified instructors to teach.   The Regional Director of Referee Instruction works together with the Area Director of Referee Instruction to meet the ongoing training needs of the local referees, assistant referees and youth referees.

This individual also works to address any training deficiencies, rules clarifications, referee performance issues or other actions required to maintain referee quality at the highest level possible throughout the season.

Director of Coach Instruction

The Director of Coach Instruction shall implement, monitor, and maintain the AYSO Coach Training Program at the Regional level. The Regional components are the U-6, U-8, U-10 and U-12 Coach Certification Training Courses. The Regional Director of Coach Instruction obtains the course guides from AYSO National SupportCenter or area staff; sets up orientations, clinics and training; and obtains qualified instructors to teach. The Regional Director of Coach Instruction works together with the Area Director of Coach Instruction to meet the ongoing training needs of the local head coaches and assistant coaches.

This individual also works to address any training deficiencies, rules clarifications, referee performance issues or other actions required to maintain coach quality at the highest level possible throughout the season.


The Secretary, if any, shall take minutes at all meetings of the Regional Board and general meetings of the Region and shall be charged with sending out all general correspondence and notices for the Region.   The Secretary shall be responsible for publishing the minutes to the Regional Board and for sending a copy of the minutes to the Area Director after they are approved.   The Secretary shall ensure that these Regional Guidelines are reviewed annually and copies are made available to all Regional participating members.

The Secretary will act as the primary interface to the City of Mountain View Parks and Recreation Department for reserving rooms for AYSO functions, such as board meetings, training classes, and registration.


The Registrar shall be responsible for the planning and implementation of the annual registration of players, and coordinate such efforts with the Regional Commissioner, the Regional Director of Public Relations, the Regional Coach Administrator and the Regional Referee Administrator. The Regional Registrar shall be responsible for the proper registration of each member in the Region. The Registration for Region45 takes place primarily through BlueSombrero, an online application accessible from the web site.

The Registrar organizes the Walk-in Registration Day that is held for those parents who do not have access to a computer either through their work or at their home or who simply would rather conduct registration in person. This Walk-in Registration Day is typically held in mid-May.

Additionally, payments may be made online from BlueSombrero.   The Registrar also checks the Post Office Box and distributes checks and bills to the Treasurer on a periodic basis once the checks that represent payments have been posted to the player’s account in BlueSombrero.   Throughout the summer and into the last week before the season, some number of refund checks must also be processed.   The Registar must keep a list of refunds and work with the Treasurer to ensure that these refunds are sent to the parents.

Publicity Director

The Publicity Director is responsible for the dissemination of information concerning AYSO Region 45 activities, the relations between the Region and the community and for the promotion of Regional activities through the media.

The main goal is to improve awareness of AYSO45.  The most important tasks are:    

  • Update and distribute our registration flyer in April to promote AYSO45 prior to fall registration.  Los Altos school district uses Peachjar and Mountain View has a different process. You call the district office to verify the process and coordinate with them.

  • Attend the monthly AYSO45 board meetings during the spring.

In addition, you may also promote through using online systems such as NextDoor, Facebook, or Google.  You would also provide a special communication  to reach parents of incoming Kindergarten students, who typically get their own school packet.

Uniform Coordinator

The Uniform Coordinator is responsible for keeping an inventory of all the uniforms the Region has, and ordering new uniforms as needed before the season begins to make sure each team has enough uniforms. During the preseason, it may be necessary to order special sizes depending upon the players on the team.  The Uniform Coordinator is responsible for distributing the uniforms to the various teams either at the Coaches Meeting or at some time before the season.

Equipment Manager

The Equipment Manager is responsible for purchasing of soccer balls, nets, and other equipment as may be requested by the Board from time to time, advising the Board on equipment availability including quality evaluation, cost quotes, and delivery schedules, selecting and ordering equipment and arraging for distribution to coaches on a timely basis, resolving problems with suppliers, collecting equipment at the end of the season with support from the Division Coordinators, and giving the Board an inventory of equipment for the end of the season.

Volunteer Coordinator

The Volunteer Coordinator is responsible for assisting the Regional Commissioner and Regional Board in recruiting and developing new volunteers from the parents and other relatives of players, and from other sources in the community, to donate their time and talents for the successful operation of the Region and for the succession planning of Regional Board and staff members.

Picture Day Coordinator

The Picture Day Coordinator is responsible for reviewing potential photographers, making a recommendation to the Board, working as a liaison between the Regional Board and the vendor contracted to provide pictures for Regional teams and players, scheduling of teams at the site(s) selected for the photography sessions, and distribution of the pictures to the teams.

Tournament/Post Season Play Coordinator

The Tournament/Post Season Play Coordinator is responsible for working with the Regional Commissioner and the Regional Board in the planning, implementation and supervision of participation in Regional tournaments, soccerfests and other post season play opportunities for Regional players outside the primary regular season program.

Game Scheduler

The Scheduler create schedules for all age groups playing regional games. Schedules should take into account a reasonable balance of game times, net duty and field usage, as well as home team – visiting team allocation. In addition, the schedules should eliminate regional game team color conflicts by preventing same color teams from playing each other during regular season play. Schedules should also make a reasonable accommodation for any COACH who is coaching two teams so as to minimumize timing conflicts between games.

Schedules are built  and finalized approximately 2 weeks before the first game which is usually held Labor Day weekend. Under the direction of the Board of Directors, some divisions may only get half of their schedules delivered, allowing some modification to the second half of their schedule if necessary.

Additionally, schedules for practice field assignment must be filled out with each coach with the assistance of the Division Coordinator. For the school-based teams, practices may only be held at the school of the team so that kids do not have to travel far. For teams in older divisions, practice fields are pre-assigned to certain divisions and coaches may only hold practices at those locations specified for their divisions.

Practice Field Coordinator

The Practice Field Coordinator works with the Division Coordinators and the Coaches allocating practice field requests across the various available fields placing school-based teams at or near their school. Once the days get shorter, the Practice Field Coordinator reschedules to offload some of the more heavily used practice fields. This task is done at home using Excel or a Google Spreadsheet and email.


The Webmaster position is responsible for three main areas.

  1. Maintaining the web site so that information is current and displayed in a fashion that can be easily navigated by our users.

  2. Support the coaches and parents with BlueSombrero activities and problems. Support the board with special queries and work with the owner of BlueSombrero to make sure the system remains usable throughout the entire soccer year.

  3. Assisting parents during Walk-in Registration Day if needed.

Regional Child and Volunteer Protection Advocate (CVPA)

The AYSO volunteer position of Child and Volunteer Protection Advocate is intended to oversee the child and volunteer protection program in the region in accordance with the AYSO Safe Haven program.

Specific Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Support the AYSO National Safe Haven Program in both specifics and in

  2. Support the regional commissioner in the promotion and implementation of
    the AYSO Safe Haven Program, including the three main elements of
    volunteer protection;

  3. Be familiar with the Child Protection Act of 1993, the Volunteer Protection Act
    of 1997, the Good Samaritan Laws of the State of California, and that state’s
    provisions for the reporting of child abuse and neglect;

  4. Work to see that all volunteers complete, date, and sign the AYSO volunteer
    application form and its authorization to perform applicant screening, and be
    the screening liaison with the AYSO National Safe Haven Department;

  5. Ensure all AYSO volunteers are duly registered in BlueSombrero;

  6. Check references for all new coaches, referees, board members, team
    parents, and others who have direct supervision of players. Random
    reference checks for everyone else;

  7. Be aware of AYSO’s definitions of levels of risk, inform prospective volunteers
    that they are screened at a level appropriate to the level of risk, and maintain
    a copy of AYSO’s screening policy;

  8. Enforce AYSO protocols to protect privacy and privileged information,

    • Subject to the bylaws, rules, regulations, policies, procedures, and guidelines
      of AYSO;

    • Under the overall authority of and directly supervised by the regional

    • To maintain the recommended adult to child supervision ratio of 1:8 or less;

  9. that is one adult for every eight or fewer children and two adults (one of whom
    may be the coach and one of whom should be of the same gender as the
    group) present at all times. For the protection of both the children and the
    volunteer, no volunteer should permit himself or herself to be alone with any
    child or group of children (except his or her own) during AYSO-sponsored

  10. Present to the regional board a motion to accept the list of coaches, referees,
    and other volunteers each membership year at a board meeting;

  11. Ensure that the region keeps on hand the written position descriptions for
    each volunteer filling a regional position;

  12. Serve as a resource and/or a facilitator to the region’s members on the
    requirements for good faith reporting of abuse and molestation to law
    enforcement agencies and child welfare agencies;

  13. Assist with the ongoing evaluation of volunteers;

  14. Meet with the head coach of each team, either individually or in a group with
    the coach administrator, to review child protection and supervision
    responsibilities prior to each membership year;

  15. Meet with the referees, either individually or in a group with the referee
    administrator, to review child protection and supervision responsibilities prior
    to each membership year;

  16. See that the region’s supervision ratio is enforced; and

  17. Promote the region’s standards of behavior and conduct as laid out in the
    child and volunteer protection policies, procedures, and guidelines of the
    AYSO Safe Haven program.

National Partners

AYSO Region 45 Partners

Contact Us

AYSO Region 45

PO Box 4252 
Mt. View, California 94040

Email Us: [email protected]
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