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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

AYSO Region 45 - Mountain View, Los Altos, Los Altos Hills

Team Volunteer Roles

Team Volunteer Roles

AYSO Region 45 is an all-volunteer organization. It is our hope and expectation that every family will find a volunteer position. Although some positions can be time consuming, there are many one time positions or jobs that can be done at home. It takes hundreds of volunteers to make soccer happen for 1500 players.

If you have questions about any of the team roles that are not answered here, contact your Division Coordinator, Coach Administrator, or Referee Administrator. Refer to our Contact Information page for email addresses. 

Coach, Assistant Coach, and Referee Roles
Coaching and Referee are the most critical volunteer roles to ensure that teams can be formed and that we have a successful season.  These roles are a special opportunity for you to engage with players and build meaningful, lifetime relationships with our community youth. There are very few volunteer activities that provide this level of impactful engagement.

o    Coaches need to be able to run practices once or twice during late afternoon weekdays. Coaching is the primary face of AYSO45 to our parents and the primary interface to our players.  Coaching is a unique opportunity to interact with neighborhood youth and your own children that not many volunteer groups offer.  Become part of a special team in our neighborhood.  For coaching, please email [email protected] if you more questions. 

o    Referees are also a primary face of AYSO45 and do their volunteer time at games on the weekend, so a referee does not have any weekday requirements.   For referee, please email [email protected] if you have further questions.

To volunteer to be a coach, assistant coach, or a referee, sign up during your player registration. 

Youth Referees
AYSO has a special youth referee volunteer program for ages 14 and up.  Please visit this document for instructions for creating a Youth Volunteer account.

Other Team Volunteer Roles

Other Team Volunteer Roles
AYSO Soccer has always required the support of many adults in order to provide the best possible soccer experience for the children and young adults participating. Every parent on each team should do one of these roles. You can sign up for one of our other numerous other on- and off-the-field volunteer positions at the end of the registration process. If you missed the volunteer signup during registration, simply go into your SportsConnect and selecting "Volunteer" from the Parent selection on the left.

eam Parent
The Team Parent helps to ease the workload of the team coaches by organizing parents for the following tasks. 

  • Help the coach assign "volunteer" jobs in Team Snap or other team management system that the coach uses.  The Team Snap "Assignment" feature is especially useful for weekly snacks, goal setup, line painting, etc.

  • Host team meeting for coaches, players, and parents at the start of the season.

  • Coordinate who brings snacks for games.

  • Pick up and distribute the team uniforms and return unused uniforms to the uniform coordinator.

  • Make sure the team shows up on time for Picture Day.

  • Pick up and return balls and cones for the team.

  • Find “net parents” to put up or take down nets when the team has the first or last game at the field.  This role is extremely valuable to the coach on game day.

  • For Under-7 through Under-10, help recruit two parents (or more) to be the referees for your team games. AYSO provides uniforms and training. Each team is required to have two trained referees available to assist with the games, and to provide one certified referee for each game.

  • Make a team banner.

  • Help the coach find additional people to help with practices such as "second adults".  Two adults are required at each practice and in some cases, there may be only one coach available.  So a second adult is needed to attend the entire practice.  This adult is only a practice observer and does not engage with the players nor act as an assistant coach.  

  • Find somebody to coordinate season end team party or other activities.

  • The team parent can also be a parent interface during games when the coach is otherwise too busy to spend time with parents or on the opposite side of the field from the parent area.

Any of the Team Parent roles listed above can be separated to a role for another parent such as:

  • Snack Coordinator 

  • Field Setup or Takedown (Goals and Corner Flags for Games)

  • Picture Day Coordinator

  • End-of-season Team Party Coordinator

  • Practice Session Second Adult

  • Field Prep (Weekly painting of field lines and restocking supplies in field lock boxes)

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Contact Us

AYSO Region 45

PO Box 4252 
Mt. View, California 94040

Email Us: [email protected]
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